Spring Boot CORS WebSecurity

Springboot has been blocked by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested

Understanding CORS is the key

Let’s review why CORS is required in the first place. Let’s say you open fb.com from Chrome. Chrome makes a GET request to fb.com and sends all the cookies it stores for this site.

But if you open malicious.site, and it makes a request to fb.com within XHR/form submition, your browser also sends cookies associated within fb.com withing this request. Which means you got authorized, and malicious.site can read your fb.com data. We didn’t want that thing to happen, ha? This is exactly why CORS comes as a saver! And this is why if domains [which you send request from, and which you send request to] are different, browser must send Origin: https://malicious.site header. And your server should return Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://malicious.site. Keep in mind:

Ok, all of this is because of cookies. This simplifies a lot if you don’t use it and store your credentials in e.g. localStorage. In this case feel free to return in backend responses:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Understanding these principles is the key to solving your issue.

Adding CORS to spring-boot

I literally spent 3 hours fighting with sprint WebSecurity. Here’s how you can do it:

class SecurityConfig(
    private val environment: Environment,
) {
    fun provideSecurityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        http.cors { cors ->
            val config = CorsConfiguration()
            val allowedOrigin = environment.getProperty("CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS")
            if (allowedOrigin == null) {
                config.allowedOrigins = listOf("*")
            } else {
                config.allowedOrigins = allowedOrigin.split(' ')
            config.allowedMethods = listOf("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE")
            cors.configurationSource { config }

You need to export environment CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS which is space separated value of origins (protocol + domain).

export CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS='http://localhost:8080 https://fb.com'


export CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS='http://localhost:8080'

This is domains which you allow access from to your backend. Note this is not a domain of your backend. You can also simplify this code with a star matching:

    fun provideSecurityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        http.cors { cors ->
            val config = CorsConfiguration()
            config.allowedOrigins = listOf("*")
            config.allowedMethods = listOf("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE")
            cors.configurationSource { config }

Pay close attention to config.applyPermitDefaultValues(), without it spring-boot won’t send CORS.